Antz Lewiz Creationz
Antz Lewiz Creationz

Creative Writing

Summary of the Creative Writing Coursebook compiled by Julia Bell and Paul Magyrs at the University of East Anglia. This course book is very comprehensive and a great introduction to anyone like myself who needs a primer on how to write creatively.  I am really glad I spent the time reading this gem of a book before starting to wrtie anything.  Reading the book has also further improved my enjoyment of reading fiction as I am more aware of the craft and tricks being used!


Please download the pdfs to get a better quality image of the schematic and summary notes.

Summary Notes on Creative Writing Coursebook
Summary by Antz Lewis based on the course book compiled by Julia Bell and Paul Magyrs
Writing Course.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [894.0 KB]
Summary Schematic for Creative Writing Coursebook
Summary schematic drawn up by Antz Lewis based on the book compiled by Julia Bell and Paul Magyrs
Writing Course Schematic.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [615.5 KB]

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